Monday, January 25, 2010

I´m a Cowboy, well sort of

So living in the wild wild east of Honduras I have become somewhat of a cowboy. I walk around with a cowboy hat, flannel shirts, machete, and rubber boots almost everyday. Unfortunately i just shaved the mustache i had been sporting for the past 6 months, it was pretty bad. I have on ocassion been confused for a local, although it was from a distance. I also bought a horse, he cost about $75 but all the thousands of ticks and fleas came for free, what a deal! Hes a great horse, he only runs away every other day and is a little slow, but hes my baby. My spanish is also improving, well kinda, i have learned country spanish perfecting the high pitch yelps and grunts and mastering the country sign language. Yet, as things change they somehow remain eerily the same. I am working in a commuinity called los angeles. It is a 2 to 3 hour commute depending on traffic and road condition ( the amoiunt of people I run into on the path and talk to and how muddy the path is). I am currently working on a letrine project as well as constructing a school out of compacted dirt. It has been challenging but I am still loving it and having a great time. I have learned a lot and am becoming more and more honduran each day, I only hope that I can teach the people here as much as they have taught me. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met and I really want these projects to be successful because I care for these people and in the short time I have been here I have made great friendships. But, dont worry I miss and think about all you back home all the time.


  1. joshua!!! i am so glad to read all of these positive experiences you are having! your horse seems very loyal, i am happy for you haha. miss you a ton! kristen and i are still attempting to plan a trip to see you...hopefully in the next 6-9 months. take care!!!


  2. Hi, Josh! I am waiting for my med clearance from peace corps and have been nominated for Latin America as an agricultural extension volunteer in August 2010. I've been riding horses since I was 4, so I would absolutely love it if I could get a horse for fun and transportation, if and when I become a volunteer. Is having a horse in the peace corps a real possibility or is your situation an anomaly? Is there anything I should do to try to up my chances of getting a horse (once I get my invitation)...? Also, I'd love to hear how having a horse in the peace corps is going for you? Thanks a lot!--Lili
